1. Does the Architectural Control Committee (ACC) have to approve all structures and fencing prior to construction?
    YES. The ACC follows a written process evaluating each project and fencing toensure compliance with CC&R’s. (Article VI, Section 2).
  2. Does the ACC approve temporary structures or temporary fences?
    NO. The CC&R’s do not allow for temporary structures or fences (Article VI, Section 5).
  3. Do vehicles have to be screened from neighbors view?
    Large parcel properties have a tendency to attract equipment, recreational vehicles, assorted truck, trailers, boats and automobiles. These vehicles all need to be parked and screened out of sight of neighbors. (Article VI, Section 6).
  4. Do screening structures need to be approved by the ACC?
    See response to Question 1.
  5. Are motor sports allowed in Hidden Valley?
    NO. The CC&R’s were amended in 2014. Article VI, Section 12. Use of any ATV, off-road vehicles or similar types of recreational vehicles within the common areas and on any lot for recreations purposes is expressly prohibited.
  6. Can neighbors share pasture?
    YES. Grazing agreements between neighbors are not prohibited, but are limited to the number and species of animals (Article VI, Section 11), and must be administered between neighbors. It is recommended to have a written agreement with liability and insurance protection for the lot owner. It is also recommended that the lot owner get legal advice prior to entering any such grazing lease. Grazing may not be for commercial purposes (Article VI, Section 3). HVR HOA Board maintains a model grazing lease for fire suppression in the common areas as a benefit to all homeowners.
  7. Is Hidden Valley subject to any sound and/or lighting restrictions?
    YES. The County of San Benito has ordinances relating to both, and our development is subject to those restrictions. Copies are available from County Planning.
  8. Can dogs be let loose to roam in the valley?
    NO. Both CC&R’s (Article VI, Section 11) and County ordinances prohibit such activity. Any dog found roaming will be taken to SBC Animal Control. All dogs must be walked on a leash.
  9. Is burning allowed?
    All burning is regulated by annual permit from Cal Fire and Monterey Bay Air Pollution Control Board. Lot owners are responsible for their own permit. Trash and garbage burning is discouraged due to the odor that is an unhealthy by-product. The local disposal company services Hidden Valley with curbside pickup. CC&R’s Article VI, Section 9 outlines allowed practices. Burn season is usually over by April 30th of each year. Prior to burning Lot owners must have a valid permit and determine if it is a burn day from Cal Fire.
  10. Are the CC&R’s enforced?
    YES. There are provisions for enforcement ranging from simple compliancerequests to court litigation (Article VIII. Section 1). The process is clearly outlined in HVR Rules and Regulations.
  11. Are there limits to the number and type of animals that may be kept on any Lot?
    YES. There are specific limits that are listed in the CC&R’s (Article VI, Section 11).
  12. Are commercial activities allowed?
    NO. The CC&R’s prohibit commercial use of any lot. (Article VI, Section 3).
  13. Is dumping allowed in Hidden Valley?
    NO. All lot owner dumping is to be done at the John Smith Landfill which has arecycling program that does not impact the environment.
  14. Are there horse riding easements in Hidden Valley?
    YES. Most lots within the development have horse riding easements along the roads and around the perimeter of the development. These easements are under the maintenance control of the Board and are available for all homeowners to use.
  15. Is there a service that will dispose of horse manure?
    YES. Comgro Soil Amendments in Salinas will pick up horse manure. Prior to giving a quote on price, etc. they will require an address, phone number and access to the property. They will pick up weekly, bi-weekly or monthly. They prefer “clean” manure meaning some shavings mixed in, but no straw or hay, etc. Their phone number is (831) 443- 5700.


Hidden Valley is a unique and lovely development in which to live. The CC&R’s are intended to ensure all neighbors a superior quality of life and protection of property values. They are designed to allow ample use and enjoyment of properties, while protecting each neighbor from unsuitable practices. The Architectural Control Committee is available to answer any questions you may have.